Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Top Ten Reasons Why I Miss My Family In The Burg

10. Driving my brothers to the Amoco up the block is always a damn adventure

9. Quaint arguements with my sister that always ends up being a full blown discussions

8. The smell of Heineken and Newports coming from the dining room (thanks Fatherrrrrr)

7. Talking to my baby brother about how Wii Tennis is the only exercise you need

6. Asking my 14 year old brother about the same girl he has been dating since middle school

5. Laying in bed with Mom when Dad goes to work and watch court shows til the View comes on

4. My brother's friends are some of the most hilarious S.O.B.s ever, makes being bored fun lol

3. Listening to Rhoads 17 with my brothers and memorizing every word

2. Listening to my Dad's words of wisdom and about his interesting past

1. Family Dinner is simply amazing. Even if its McDonalds.


janiekate said...


Anonymous said...

yes i'm wondering the same thing...you have a 14 yr old boyfriend?! when can i meet the lucky guy :)