Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tetris amazing, i could play it all day

-I fucked up completely on my Stats exam last week and I have another one Monday

- Adam 'Pacman' Jones is a dumbass, and you just lost your job

-T.I. is coming to VCU November 22nd, I reallyyy want a backstage pass...

- I WISH NBA 2K9 for XBOX360 would consume my life, but I work all this damn weekend

- Going home next weekend is going to be like a vacation

- I really wish my dad would send the check he promised

- My roommate's laziness really REALLY annoys me, but I don't know why...

- I'm still blown Maryland lost to UVa in football last week and ecstatic that the Redskins are on a 4 game winning streak

-I would do anything for Japanese food right now

-Since I'm taking off for reading days AND Halloween, I really hope I have enough money for November rent...whatever

Its a cloudy day and I really don't want to go to CPR class...but I have to go to my philosophy class at 4



Kate said...

loooooove tetris haha :]

janiekate said...

this video makes me happy