Monday, March 9, 2009

That Maui Wowie

After much delay and multiple schedule changes, I am finally back in Lynchburg as of Sunday night. I am completely worn after working a full shift then driving to Williamsburg, then driving back to the Lynchburg all in one day. But all I had to do was sit down with my brothers for a few minutes and I realized I love being home, the rare times I'm here. My brothers are just the craziest kids to be around because they dont care who is around. They are going to say whatever is on their mind. Hopefully this week I will meet my brother's new girlfriend Emily (he finally gave in to the temptation of white girls).

This morning I woke up 6.50 to the sound of Marc playing "Maui Wowie" by Kid Cudi and that song has been in my head all day. I had to young Nicholas on the bus in the morning and made sure he got home safely as well. After he got on the bus, I laid around until noon playing video games and tried to visit my brothers at school. I was really interested in seeing the school since the renovations were completely done. But NOW since the school is finished, no one but parents are allowed to visit the new building. SO pissed about that shit.

Anywayssss when I got home from from the school, lunch and running errands for my mom. I took Nick to the mall to buy any video game he wanted for his Nintendo Wii and took him for some ice cream because I wasn't here for his birthday last week. He really deserved it and I love my little brother. He is amazing kid and really strong about everything that has been going on lately. After the older-little siblings got home and I realized Mom was working late, I took the whole family out for pizza. You do what you gotta do for the fam.

For the rest of the week I'm going to try to convince my mothers to let the kids stay home ONE day, so I'm not here by myself all day everyday all week. I'm going to go support the Dream and go buy his 2nd CD tomorrow and hopefully go catch up with some of these Lynchburg bumpkins. Besides visiting the family, I haven't really missed this place (except the Degrassi marathon on the N....don't hate). Update tomorrow...I promise


1 comment:

~LC~ said...

Degrassi. . . you are too cute Mr. Brown :)