Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Finals Fast Approaching


Yep it is about that time...
The libraries are packed, Red Bulls are sold-out everywhere, staying up til 5 or 6 in the morning reading and RE-taking notes, writing papers and early morning 7-11 trips are more equivalent. Finals are here and you can feel everyone at VCU freaking out. I just try to stay low key and get my work done at the comfort at my own house because the library is full of loud ass idiots. Okay...not idiots, but extremely obnoxious people.
Even though the library is supposed to be a chill study environment for students, it is usually mass hysterical until the early morning. I blame the people who thought it was a brilliant idea to allow regular talking in the biggest public library at a Virginia university on the first two floors. But what can you do? I have an on-campus apartment with relatively respectful roommates, so it usually quiet. Sometimes the internet connection is terrible, but I can't complain for the most part. It's much better than studying in the dorms like last year. Studying on the 17th floor last year during finals, you are practically BEGGING for an F.
So I want to light some candles, fire up a blunt, put on some Sade and let the studying begin. The next two weeks are going to be hell, but I might as well relax and take everything one step at a time. It's college...what can you do about it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i thought candles weren't allowed mister ? :)

p.s-you know the internet is always faster at my house, so there's a great incentive for you to come over

love you boy<3