Friday, December 19, 2008

Weekendddd is Here...

It is THE last weekend before Christmas and im kind of ecstatic for a few reasons. But before I kicked off my weekend I had to sit down and do this blog post because I havent done one in over a week. MY BAD. I had to pick up mad hours at the Club because Christmas presents and RENT had to be paid. And im currently im sitting here before another shift running my fingers through my hair (damnnn I need a haircut really soon...) trying to piece together my super exciting weekend THIS weekend. Rachel bought me tickets to the Redskins and Eagles game at FedEx for this weekend and I am freakin thrilled. I couldnt really decide how I was going to retaliate in regards to gift giving. So yesterday I took her to get my "battery fixed" and I really took her to the SPCA to buy her the puppy she wanted...She cried the whole time she signed the paperwork. She is an airedale and retriever mixed and she is 3 months old. She named her Belle and I loved every minute and it was worth every penny. Also I decided to get my sister Chenelle and my baby brother Nicholas a puppy too.

Also since all my roommates (and pretty much all of Carriage House) is gone for Christmas. This has allowed me to crank my music and learn a new dance because I wasnt at work and I didnt really have anything else to do. And it has to be the funniest dances ever but they worth learning in case me and Kwam have to bust then out at a party. The first one is Soulja Boy teaching the Birdwalk and the 2nd one is a bunch of kids killin the Wu Tang dance... I LOVE it...


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