Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Im in love with you babyyyy

"Now shes the definition of fine, but I told her that her body looks better with mine"

A few things that I love, that doesn't have a heartbeat lol

- Zip-Up Hoodies
- MLB fitted baseball caps
- Novels about magic
- Plain vodka (flavored gets played out)
- Cell phones with full keyboards
- Cinnamon Pop-Tarts
- Skull Candy Headphones
- Hip-Hop
- Converse Chucks
- Late Night Conversation
- Spanish Accents
- Japanese Food
- Superrrr Cool Camry and Honey Honda :-)
- Cuddling
- Night Photography
- Cheesy reality shows on MTV
- Nick at Nite
- Reading Psychology books
- Reading the background information of Playboy bunnies
- Spearmint Chewing Gum (preferably Orbit)
- Art by my little brother
- XBOX 360
- Santogold
- Autotune (when used by the right people)
- High school football games
- Playing music as loud as possible
- My college

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