We are all at the point where we are all just ready for it to be Spring Break. I'm not completely satisfied with a few of my first grades but I'm at the point where I really don't care at this point. I just need a solid week to do absolutely nothing. No schoolwork, no job and no random snow storms (LOL). I just want to kick back in my basement in Lynchburg, play with my little brother's new puppy, eat three meals a day consistently and chill with my family for a few days. I havent been home for more than two days since the day after Christmas.
As you can see I'm a little stressed out. Because of that, this blog hasnt been updated as much as it should be. Me and my mom have been bumping heads like mad lately about the most random shit and it pisses me off because she was the reason I tried SO HARD to get into college, so I didnt have to hear her shit all the damn time. So going home will be bitter sweet because I love seeing the siblings, but that means seeing Mom all the time.
Stress Stress Stress
Which means I've been back to writing music again. There is talk of another Rhoads 17 mixtape, even though we havent throughly released the 2nd one yet. Its def being put online for downloading after Spring Break and I really excited about it because we just decided to post it online instead of just passing it out around campus. I think people will be thoroughly impressed with not only the skill, content and actual music but for our subject matter. We are going to revamp the myspace, record here and there for our own convenience and just keep promoting the first and second album. I really excited about everyoneeee hearing it
Over than school, working at the country club, having a drink here and there my life hasnt been anything exciting. Ill probably convince a roommate to come to Lynchburg for Spring Break. I really need to be consistent with my blog with random shit, because I love reading random shit on other peoples blogs (SO UPDATE YOUR BLOGS PEOPLE! I LOVE THEM). Maybe Ill consider going to class for the first time this week tomorrow after work. OH YEAH, I gotta be at work tomorrow morning at 10.30. If Bruce says anything to me, I WILL choke him out. I'm not trying to hear it. Haha. Alright back to the ulitmate Interpersonal Relations 323 grind. Pizzzzeaceeee

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