The Dream "Love Me All Summer/Hate Me All Winter"- The album has some of the most incredible track transitions I have ever heard. The Dream as a producer put everything together so smoothly and it went together so well. I still to this day listen to every single song off this album. Favorite Tracks: Nikki and Purple Kisses

Clipse "Lord Willin"- I remember I made my Nana sit and listen to this album and she loved Pusha T's voice. I remembered listening to album and I thought being a drug dealer would be cool. Pharrell did an incredible job on the beats and Star Trek did their thing on the guest appearances. Favorite Tracks: Virginia and Comedy Central

Mase "Harlem World"- I remembered when I lived in Appomattox this was the ONLY hip hop CD I had until I started making my own money. I loved how Mase had a skit after about every two songs. It reminded me a lot of Biggie's Life After Death Album. Favorite Tracks: Cheat On You and 24 Hours To Live

Ludacris "Word of Mouf"- God, I remember no matter where we were going or how long we would be gone Dad would play this album in the car alllllll the time and Mom would get mad we would know every single word of every song. Definitely a classic and there isn't a song I don't like. Favorite Tracks: Crybabies and Get The Fuck Back

A Tribe Called Quest "The Anthology"- Probably the jazziest hip-hop album I have ever heard. Me and brothers would know every word of every song including the ab-libs and who produced every song. Q-Tip's flow and easy delivery was amazing in this album. Favorite Track: Sucka Nigga and Scenario

Kanye West "808's and Heartbreak"- Kanye West absolutely pushed all boundaries for this album. He caught a lot of slack for using Auto-Tune on the whole thing, but he def made up for it for it by using the 808 drum on every beat (see my music review on this album from November) Favorite Tracks: Streetlights and See You In My Nightmares

Rage Against The Machine "Evil Empire"- LOVE Rage Against The Machine. The guitar riffs and lyrics are pretty sweet and Bulls on Parade was is one of my all-time favorite songs. I caught a lot of shit from my mom because they cussed a lot, but she had no room to talk lol. Favorite Tracks: Winds Below and Bulls On Parade

Jay-Z "Hard Knock Life: Volume 2"- This the first hip-hop album I listened to all the way through. I remember when I was little I wanted to be Jay-Z, because he had the swag and confidence that was incredible. I remember Dad let me have his version when I went and visited him. I love this hip-hop classic. Favorite Tracks: Hard Knock Life and Money Aint A Thing

Nirvana "In Utero"- The first true rock album I absolutely loved. I remember my Dad played one track in the car and told me to just listen to Kurt Cobain . I loved it and I went bought the album the next day. I remember I got made fun of a lot for listening to rock, but I thought Nirvana was incredible. Favorite Tracks: Heart-Shaped Box and Rape Me

N.E.R.D. "Seeing Sounds"- This was my favorite album of last summer, but it really caught fire when we got back to school and when they came to VCU for homecoming. The blend of hip-hop and modern rock was really refreshing and its good riding and driving music. Favorite Tracks: Anti-Matter and Sooner Or Later

Eminem "The Marshall Mathers LP"- I remember when I was absolutely STUCK on this album. Eminem says the most outlandish and craziest shit and this was his best work. His subject matter ranged from raping his mother to killing his wife and hating his fans. In a deranged way I loved every single second. Favorite Tracks: Criminal and Drug Ballad

Dr. Dre "2001"- Haha the craziest thing about this CD is that I think I was the only kid at Forest Middle School with this CD. I must have burned this exact album like a thousand times for a thousand people. Dre had everybody and their moms on this classic. Favorite Track: Forgot About Dre

Notorious B.I.G. "Ready To Die"- The best hip-hop album ever assembled. Period. Favorite Tracks: Suicidal Thoughts and Me & My Bitch

Lupe Fiasco "The Cool"- Probably some of the most refreshing works of Hip-Hop I have heard in a long time. This was the only album I listened to over and over winter break last year and it was hilarious me and my brothers got 3 copies of this same CD for Christmas that year. I really hope his next release will be out by this fall...Favorite Tracks: Dumb It Down and Gold Watch
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