Thursday, October 2, 2008

Text Messaging

I live and die (supposedly) by text messaging and its weird because I never thought myself as that type of person since Rhoads 17 is recording a track called "Drunk Text" and I've had my mine on the subject, I've decided to post some cool random text messaging facts

-40% of the world have a text messaging capable phone

- There is a 4.6 Billion dollar revenue for cell phone data plans

-Over 70% of mobile users send text messages

U.S. subscribers sent close to 141 billion text messages through the first half of this year. That's about double the number sent in the first half of 2007.

Haha now that I have thought about it, I've had 5 cell phones since my senior year of high school which is quite ridiculous, but what can you do? I love texting, especially on new keeps me in the loop :-)

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