Since my family is coming this Saturday, I wanted to give my fellow bloggers some brief insight of the folks I lived with before I moved to VCU...
Mom-- she is a character, You would think from her swagger she is 24 rather than 38 haha. I owe this woman my life for giving up a scholarship to Howard University to raise me at 18. Very strong willed and free-spirited and will do anything for her kids. I can talk to her about pretty much everything.
Dad-- probably one of the most laid-back Army Veterans on earth. He went to the University of Maryland where he majored in Journalism, wrestled in the NCAA, and became a brother of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. He used to be a stand-up comedian and he is probably one of the most hilarious people on earth and he does a great job of teaching his boys on how to become men and has fun doing it (i.e. Super Smash Brothers til 3:30 in the morning
Marc Jr.-- my little brother, he is 16 and second and command when it comes to the kids. He probably spends more time worrying about sports than his grades (went to 4-Square Club instead of Young Democrats and SCA during club period) but is a great student. He is very quiet around school, but probably one of the most talkative people in the house. I heard VCU, Hampton University and GWU (for Music Engineering) were his top three schools right now and ladies love him, because he seems 'mysterious'.
Chenelle-- little sisterrrrr, she has really evolved since she started high school. She was an All-District spinter for the track team as a freshman, very smart and studious, and has an extreme interest in dance. She is ALWAYS reading which is awesome, but she has a slight obsession with Chris Brown. Its pretty hard on her to grow up in a house full a boys but she seen as one of the homies
Donovan-- WOW...this kid is from another planet...he is smart (taking sophomore classes as a freshman) hes athletic (plays football and basketball and runs track) and probably one of the most hilarious kids....ever. He looks me and my mom but has the attitude of my dad. When he is upset he is UPSET...and everyone knows it. He is about 5'2 and talks to you like he is the King of the house. His slurs and catchphrases are worth spending the night with him instead of finding a party in Lynchburg. The worst part is I am Donovan's number one fan
Nicholas-- elementary school boy genius...seriously. He takes all accelerated classes, he knows computers and he taught me about famous explorers over fall break that I have never heard of. Nick is freaking 8! lol He is basically Mom's favorite child because he is the youngest, he is cute, and because he is so awesomely smart. I am Nicholas' favorite brother and I take some pride in that. There were some rumors that he cried when I left for college, but I couldn't confirm it with him. He LOVES his video games and hates reading, so he is basically the average eight year old, but not really
Bentley-- my puppy!!!! i love him! thats all lol
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