Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Myspace Survey
- Age: 19
- Annoyance: Clingy people
- Animal: Bear
- Actor: Will Smith or Mark Wahlberg
- Birthday/Birthplace: August 1st/ P.G. County, Maryland
- Best Friends: Rachel, Kwame and Brad
- Best Body Part on opposite sex: ummm butt lol
- Best feeling in the world: making someone happy
- Blind or Deaf: i would rather be deaf
- Best weather: football weather
- Been in Love: Yessir
- Been on stage? Like in elementary school
- Believe in yourself?: sure
- Believe in life on other planets: sure
- Believe in miracles: SURE
- Believe in Magic: maybe
- Believe in Santa: always
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: yes
- Car: Rolls Royce Phantom
- Candy: Red Hots
- Color: red
- Cried in school: haha I ran high school
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
- Chinese/Mexican: Mexican lately
- Cake or pie: pie
- Country to visit: Italy
- Day or Night: Night
- Dream vehicle: Maybach 62S
- Danced: Yessir
- Dance in the rain?: who hasnt?
- Do the splits?: hahaha not me!
- Eggs: i hate eggs with the burning intensity of a thousand suns
- Eyes: brown
- Everyone has a Heart: haha i thought so
- Ever failed a class?: excuse me? failure is not in my vocabulary
- First crush: Jada Pinkett Smith!
- Full name: Ryan Jeremy Charles Brown
- First thoughts waking up: Drink up! Its New Years!
- Food: Japaneseee
- Greatest Fear: of failure
- Giver or taker: GIVER
- Goals: 7 A's for spring semester!
- Get along with your parents?: sometimes
- Good luck charm: uhhh i dont have one
- Holiday: Christmas
- How do you want to die: happy and quick
- Health freak? yeah
- Hate: stuck up bitches
- Hair Color: black and smooth
- Height: 6'2 and a fourth
- Ice Cream: Edy's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
- Instrument: Saxophone
- Jewelry: a black and white band that I have been wearing together since 9th grade
- Job: Student and Salisbury Country Club
- Kids: i want fourrr
- Kickboxing or karate: kickboxing
- Keep a journal?: yeah this blog pretty much
- Longest Car Ride: Lynchburg, VA to Cincinnati, OH
- Love: God's greatest gift
- Letter: R or J
- Laughed so hard you cried: once or twice
- Love at first sight: nahhh
- Milk flavor: Normal?
- Movie: The Dark Knight orMenace II Society
- Mooned anyone?: oh high school!
- Marriage: hopefully
- Motion sickness?: nahhh
- McD’s or BK: McD
- Number of Siblings: 8
- Number of Piercings: none
- Number: 11 or 28
- Overused Phrases: there are so many of them
- One wish: make millions
- One phobia: FEAR OF FAILURE
- Place you’d like to live: Italy or London or Vegas
- Perfect Pizza: Meat Lovers
- Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi
- Quail: cooooool?
- Questionnaires: lovely way to procrastinate and get feelings out
- Reason to cry: there isnt one really...MAN THE FUCK UP lol
- Reality T.V.: love love family needs its own reality tv show really
- Radio Station: WPGC 95.5 and 106.5
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: yeah
- Song: "Outerspace" Yung Berg
- Shoe size: 12
- Salad Dressing: Italian
- Sushi: nah
- Skipped school: a few times
- Slept outside: why not?
- Seen a dead body?: yes
- Smoked?: weed...but i hate smoking period and never smoked a cigarette
- Skinny dipped?: nah
- Shower daily?: Yes
- Sing well?: no but i try
- Sing in the shower?: no
- Swear?: more than I should (thanks college)
- Stuffed Animals?: nah
- Single/Group dates: single
- Strawberries/Blueberries: strawberries
- Scientists need to invent: a cure for AIDS
- Time for bed: usually too late
- Thunderstorms: loves in the summer not in the winter
- TV: my nightlight
- Touch your tongue to your nose: no
- Unpredictable: to an extent
- Vegetable you hate: eggplant
- Vegetable you love: broccoli
- Vacation spot: Las Vegas
- Weakness: easily stressed/overwhelmed
- When you grow up: Doctor
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: uhhh Brad probably
- Who makes you laugh the most: Bradley
- Worst feeling: being a disappointment
- Wanted to be a model?: haha yeah
- Where do we go when we die: heaven
-X-Rays: wow your reaching
-Year it is now: 2008 tomorrow 2009
- Zoo animal: BEAR
- Zodiac sign: LEO
1. Last person to see you cry? I don't cry
2. Went to the movies with you? my family
3. You went to the mall with? brothers
4. You talked to on the phone? Bradley
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
10 Things I Need To Say To 10 people...
--> I really hope you realize how your actions affect other people, because if you dont you are in for a rude awakening
--> I'm going to help you get through this semester, but you gotta stop bullshittin. There is a time and a place for that.
--> You are amazing spoken word poet and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
--> I know I promised you some liquor so when yo least expect it, it will be right under your nose
--> You will get them guts when she is good and ready kid
--> The more I talk to you, the more I think you really need to stop playing the games you play or else someone will put you in your place
--> Life must be so fucking difficult when you get whatever you want, when you want and you still fucking complain over the smallest of shit
--> You still need to come over and cook me and my roommates dinner yellow bear!
--> We will forever be homies. I thrive after our 3am talks...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Weekendddd is Here...
Also since all my roommates (and pretty much all of Carriage House) is gone for Christmas. This has allowed me to crank my music and learn a new dance because I wasnt at work and I didnt really have anything else to do. And it has to be the funniest dances ever but they worth learning in case me and Kwam have to bust then out at a party. The first one is Soulja Boy teaching the Birdwalk and the 2nd one is a bunch of kids killin the Wu Tang dance... I LOVE it...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
What I Live My Life By...
Psalm 23
A psalm of David.
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, [a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
Why I Love...

Besides the fact she is dead gorgeous...she is much smarter and talented than people actually give her credit for. YES, she is a major socialite. YES, she has a sex tape with Brandy's brother Ray J. YES, she is O.J. Simpson's goddaughter. YES, she is very good friends with Paris Hilton. I think though she brings a lot to the table as a celebrity. In high school she was an executive at the music marketing firm 'Movie Tunes'. She is noted for having an incredible business mind and an eye for marketing techniques. She also donated a quarter of what she made on her sex tape settlement with Vivid Entertainment to research cancer, since her father Robert Kardashian Sr. died of cancer in 2003.
As a business woman she developed a clothing line with her sisters Khloe and Kourtney, developed a perfume line slated for a 2009 release and has a work-out video coming out with her now boyfriend NFL star Reggie Bush. Personally I don't understand why people feel they need to bash her for 'fake' looks and thinks she is retarded. She seems pretty dedicated and focused and a solid individual. It doesn't hurt that shes gorgeous (in my eyes at least). And it is not her fault that people want to pay her to go out and party. She is just that sought after of an individual and I could understand why. AND it doesn't hurt she has ass for days and has a crazy chest...but thats just me...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Top 5 Things You Never Wanna Hear Girls Say!
No. 1 - "I'm late."
No, we don't mean for work. For every guy who has ever heard this, it's come out sounding more like “Your life is over.” No amount of commitment is going to make this statement any easier to take. We won't even get into the impact this would have coming from a one-night stand… The impact these two little words can have on any man is just too great to put into actual words, but we'll try: nine months of hell, sleepless nights, crying, breast milk, hormones -- OK, we can't go on.
No. 2 - "Are you done?"
Now you are. No matter how close you were to your peak, this question can instantly send you back to your starting point with a nauseous feeling of defeat. While a few courageous souls might reply, “No, but we are if you ask that again,” the majority of you will likely be too shell-shocked upon the realization that your Olympic-grade performance didn’t impress your No. 1 judge.
No. 3 - "Aw, it's so cute!"
While you were once confident that you were the length of a baseball bat, had the girth of a redwood, with the dexterity of a Samurai sword, being called "cute" can clearly undermine your entire masculine reverie. And if you’ve had a bad history of women describing you as cute, hearing it one more time is just not something you want to hear her say. Of course, if your girlfriend asks, “Are my boobs too small?” shortly after, feel free to reply, “I'm sorry, your what?”No. 4 - "Don't worry, he's just my ex."
But, of course, that’s precisely the reason you do worry. He used to be with your wife/girlfriend; they shared secrets, laughed together and had inside jokes -- not to mention the fact that they once got naked together. So if he is an ex -- meaning former, past or previous -- why is he still around in the present, and why now? This is the equivalent of your girlfriend saying, "I’m just gonna swim outside the shark cage, they don’t attack humans." Maybe statistically they don't, but intuitively it still doesn’t sit right -- there's always a slim possibility…
No.5 - "We need to talk."
Cue the dramatic music, please. This heavy phrase you never want to hear her say is the classic tip-off that something bad is about to happen. And in the few seconds before she tells you what that bad thing is, your stomach flips around like a fish in a frying pan as you think about the range of possibilities. Is it over? Does she want time away? Did you forget the milk, again? Regardless, one thing is clear: you are about to be told you are deficient in some way, and it ain't gonna be pretty.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
This Aint For Girls
With the bottom so fat, It's all you talk about
You fly like Slim but I'm going to take you way behind
Fly a kite, plane ride...until there is no sky
Or if you want me to take you down, that can be arranged
I'm in sing and search of that N.E.R.D., I can blame pain
Or we can play can rule my world
W.B. Warn a Brotha if you trying to be my girl
I'm no pimp girl, I can't get you diamond rings
I'm just a skater from Maryland reppin Camp Springs
And I don't think I'm a punk...
So don't think you can have whatever you want
And if you think this song is just for you...
Its just about what I wanna do...
And what I wanna do...
is YOU
-- Nate Keeys
Monday, December 8, 2008
Crazy Sex Laws and Facts
- It is against the law in Maryland to sell condoms via a vending machine, unless that is there happens to be alcoholic beverages being sold as well. This also includes the sale of condoms in vending machines in public bathrooms. Word on the street is there are a lot of college dorm students who are not happy with this law. Ironically enough this law is called the Brothel Law.
- Taxi drivers in Buckfield, Maine have sex laws directed at them specifically. If a fare has been partying at an establishment that sells alcoholic drinks and offers to pay with sexual favors, he or she can not be charged for said ride. The legislation deems no taxi driver "will be allowed" to charge for the pleasure of his passenger's company.
- It is illegal to purchase a box of condoms at a corner store in any part of Nebraska. Only licensed physicians and pharmacists are allowed to sell them. Once a physician is not longer practicing he may no longer sell condoms. So much for keeping the teenagers from getting pregnant, they don't allow teens access to condoms without a physician's signature either.
- Average # of erections per day for a man: 11
- More than 11,000 people are injured every year trying out new sexual positions
- A man's ejaculation travels at a speed of 27mph!
- The largest known penis to mankind was measured at 13.5 inches erect
- The oldest virgin is rumored to be Sir Isaac Newton who died a virgin at the age of 85
- About 1 percent of women are allergic to semen. Within minutes to hours of a man's ejaculation, they develop swelling and itching wherever their skin made contact with the stuff. Luckily, having their guy wear a condom prevents the allergy from flaring up.
- A recent study found that 1 out of 100 people are asexual they've never been sexually attracted to anyone.
- On the other hand, 2 percent of women are turned on all the time. They suffer from persistent sexual arousal syndrome, which causes them to orgasm 10 to hundreds of times a day.
AGENDA (For the next couple of days)
- Stats Final
- Drink til I fall out...
- Kickin Ass
-PACK FOR THE REDSKINS AND EAGLES GAME!!! (thank you Rachel that was the GREATEST gift of all timeeee)
- Sell my books back and buy Christmas gifts
- Buy either A Chicago White Sox, Boston Red Sox or Toronto Blue Jays fitted
- Make copies of Rhoads 17 2.0 for release
- Not worry about school til January 12th 2009
- Party January 20th 2009 (OBAMA!!!!!)
-Plan a Carriage House 30 throwdown...
- Live the good life again!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
This is why I love my brother...seriously...
Shawty from Cuba still working on her Visa
A girlfriend Lisa hotter than Puerto Rica
She dont suck dick but she expect me to eat her
God this ho's crazy you dont really wanna meet her
But her home girl Nina swallow cum by the liter
She looks good in boy shorts and a beater
But this other girl Quita is way sexier than Nina
Baby I aint lying shes hotter than a heater
But I'm cold as a freezer, so yeah I'm a leave her
Smoke a Cohiba while she beg me to go deeper
Bitch named Diedra who touch toes for my people
And if you aint fuckin them, you aint fuckin me either
Yeah your best's friends right, im flier than an eagle
And your other best friend wanna kick it like FIFA
Tech girl Rita soft and she aint sweet either
Spoiled as a mother so I know I cant keep her
VCU Tia smokes a whole lot of reefer
Likes to make porn and she's the main feature
UVA Leah aint trying to lemme peep her
Make love on 64 next time that I see her
Its that easy...
Schedule Take 2 (Spring Semester '09)
- Political Science 109: Comparative Politics
- Psychology 321: Social Psychology
- Psychology 323: Interpersonal Relations Psychology
- Psychology 407: Psychology of the Abnormal
- Social Science 303: Marriage and Family Relationships
-MCV Hospital (Senior) Clinical
+ Work....
NO SOCIAL LIFE...fuck me
Finals Fast Approaching
Yep it is about that time...
The libraries are packed, Red Bulls are sold-out everywhere, staying up til 5 or 6 in the morning reading and RE-taking notes, writing papers and early morning 7-11 trips are more equivalent. Finals are here and you can feel everyone at VCU freaking out. I just try to stay low key and get my work done at the comfort at my own house because the library is full of loud ass idiots. Okay...not idiots, but extremely obnoxious people.
Even though the library is supposed to be a chill study environment for students, it is usually mass hysterical until the early morning. I blame the people who thought it was a brilliant idea to allow regular talking in the biggest public library at a Virginia university on the first two floors. But what can you do? I have an on-campus apartment with relatively respectful roommates, so it usually quiet. Sometimes the internet connection is terrible, but I can't complain for the most part. It's much better than studying in the dorms like last year. Studying on the 17th floor last year during finals, you are practically BEGGING for an F.
So I want to light some candles, fire up a blunt, put on some Sade and let the studying begin. The next two weeks are going to be hell, but I might as well relax and take everything one step at a time. It's college...what can you do about it?
Friday, November 28, 2008
Black Friday
Thanksgiving was amazing. We made the turkey, the ham, collard greens, stuffing, macaroni and cheese, sweet potato casserole, potato salad, amazing dinner rolls, cranberry sauce and a few other things. It was nice having everyone sit down and eat dinner while we watched the Maryland Terps whoop ass against number 5 Michigan State in basketball. It was an awesome Thursday night that ended kind of rocky, but capped it off with another video game marathon with my brothers. DAMN...I miss these days, not a care in the world except high school and playing video games until my eyes are bloodshot. It makes coming home very worth it and makes me appreciate my family and the high speed wireless internet we have too.
Right now im laying on my futon in my brother's room watching the movie "Rudy" and listening to my brother laughing about random youtube videos. It's crazy how warm it is here a walked to the Amoco yesterday for rolls in a t-shirt and i was kinda warm. I dont plan on moving from this futon any time soon and at the same time i have some work to be doing. Holla at me
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Next Semester (Spring 2009)
- Political Science 109: Comparative Politics
- Psychology 321: Social Psychology
- Psychology 323: Interpersonal Relations Psychology
- Psychology 407: Psychology of the Abnormal
-MCV Hospital (Senior) Clinical
+ Work....
...pray for me
Thursday, November 20, 2008
My Music Review--- Kanye West- 808's and Heartbreak
When I first heard Kanye West perform 'Love Lockdown' on the 2008 VMAs, I was completely confused about what I was hearing. Kanye West using the Autotune singing device singing some sad song over tribal drums. After reading a couple interviews and actually locking myself from the world and listening to the music, it really touched my soul. Love Lockdown was the tip of the iceberg and leak after leak, song after song, drum after drum, I finally realized Kanye was absolutely punishing this pop music thing.
808's and Heartbreak will not be coming out until Monday but I downloaded the entire album from a reliable source a few days ago and after listening to every track about 5 times that I will gladly go out and buy my first album since Lil' Wayne's Tha Carter III on Monday. I feel that strongly about this album, it is a killer. I love every single song for different reasons. Every song has at least 4 stars for me. Now...for the actual review...

1. Say You Will- awesome intro...there are long periods of time with no lyrics and I like it, it really gets you thinking-- 4 and a half stars ****1/2
2. Welcome To Heartbreak (feat. Kid Cudi)- Kid Cudi did an incredible job on the hook and the lyrics on the verses made up for a mediocre beat...awesome job Kanye West-- 4 stars****
3. Heartless- My favorite beat on the album because it is the most hip-hop and not that much AutoTune...I love the whistles mixed with tribal drums veryyy classic...-- 5 stars*****
4. Amazing (feat. Young Jeezy)- This song STAYS on repeat in my room...the AutoTune is prefect, the bass is rediculous, insane tribal drums, Young Jeezy killed his part and I love the eerie part before Jeezy goes on-- 5 stars*****
5. Love Lockdown- The song that started it all, but not my favorite out of the bunch...the tribal drums were changed like 5 times but the lyrics are incredible...I HATED this song at first but now it stays in my head-- 4 stars****
6. Paranoid (feat. Mr. Hudson)- One of my favorite joints because it reminds me of Michael Jackson mixed with Daft Punk and Mr. Hudson on the hook is awesome...absolutely awesome, debatable as one of my 2nd favorites-- 5 stars*****
7. RoboCop- motherfuckin RoboCop...i have to admit that I didn't like the version that leaked out a few weeks ago but this new version that is on the album is incredible thanks to Herbie Hancock...the robot effects in the background of the beat are freakin' awesome and the AutoTune blended incredibly-- 4 1/2 stars****1/2
8. Street Lights--lyrically THE best song on the album, i love the pianos but the beat is extremely eerie...but the tribal drums truly make up for eeriness...when I downloaded this song I instantly fell in love with the lyrics-- 4 1/2 stars****1/2
9. Bad News--my least favorite on the album for no particular reason, the drums are awesome, the lyrics are ok and overall the song is pretty awesome, but definitely my least favorite-- 4 stars****
10. See You In My Nightmares (feat. Lil Wayne)- HOLY SHIT for once Lil Wayne did an incredible record thanks to AutoTune and Kanye West. EVERYTHING about this song is crazyyy. I had to take the beat and make a whole new track with it because I loved it that much. Wayne killed and Kanye killed... the end-- 5 stars*****
11. Coldest Winter- incredible sample from the song 'Memories Fade' by the band Tears for Fear with awesome tribal drums and incredible lyrics. The song is based on his mom and I love it-- 4 1/2 stars
12. Pinocchio Story- A crazy freestyle that he did on stage in Singapore, it started crazy slow but it ended crazy...powerful track and the crowd in the background gave it an incredible it-- 4 1/2 stars****1/2
I'm about to listen to the album all the way through and go to bed. Overall this album was incredible work and I love it. True Kanye fans are getting a treat November 24th...know that
Good Night
My 3 Favorite Blogs Right Now...
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
< Champagne is absolutely disgusting and I don't know why rappers brag about having it
< Plies is the softest and most illiterate rapper I have ever heard
< My high school is one win away from playing in the state championship (WTF)
< My major is now Psychology with a concentration in Medicine (its the best thing for me)
< The window to my car is finally getting fixed tomorrow
< I don't care what people say, Autotune is a fun singing device to use on songs and it sounds amazing
< Cutting body fat off your frame increases your sex drive (psychology project conclusion)
< I can't decide if I like Boxer puppies or German Shepherd puppies better
< Moms are fucking awesome (they pushed you out of their vag, give them some credit)
< Scarves contain more warmth then I thought
< Hop-Ons can parrish
< Jadakiss is top 5 dead or alive and thats off of 2 LPs
< Men who have the audacity to be upset about abortion are really retarded (YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING UTERUS)
< I have 0 respect for the people who have their 16th birthday party on MTV
< There is nothing like snow in the city...
< I'll probably be living in Carriage House for a couple more years
< We need to have a party at Carriage House soon
< I haven't been intoxicated in like 5 weeks
< Louis Vuitton over Gucci all day
< The Barack Obama Inauguration Party is going to be bananas
< I need Christmas spending money...seriously.
< "I gotta see you work, see you dance, without that shirt, without them pants..." ;-)
< I finally caught up on my sleep...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Agenda For Sunday...
1. Organize my class schedule for next semester (All Tuesdays and Thursdays Classes: 19 credits)
2. Send my Health Professions Interview Questions in to Aundrea
3. Write my Health Professions Shadowing Paper that is due tomorrow
4. SAM VCU Computer Proficiency Test (Graduation Requirement) Due Tomorrow (I'll be in Hibbs Hall for a little bit)
5. Start on my CPR Manual for CPR class (Clutch!!!) Due December 1st
Text me with distractions please!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Sup Readers
What am I doing instead of writing my paper for Health or studying for my Stats Exam?
Laying in bed in my underwear, watching SportsCenter and looking at the Blackberry Storm. The Storm looks like an amazing device, but I just got my Voyager and I want a new iPod Touch before I invest in another phone (plus my mom would kill me). I'm looking around my room and I'm quite happy with how clean my house is. It is awesome how someone can just come in and take over cleaning up while I'm at work. Freakinnnn Awesomeeee!
I am obsessed with 4 songs at the moment three of which by Kanye West. They are pretty much my songs of the week. Can you say motivation? (with download links!)
---"Go Hard"- DJ Khaled featuring Kanye West and T-Pain
"I'm going to tell you Like George Bush told me, Fuck you niggas I'm outta here!"
---"Amazing"- Kanye West featuring Young Jeezy
---"See You In My Nightmares" Kanye West featuring Lil Wayne
---"Ransom" Drake featuring Lil Wayne
Listen to the tracks, they are amazing songs
I cant wait for 808's and Heartbreak
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Change is gonna come just like Barack said
Money, Power, Respect just like The Lox said
You'll be the man of the house my pops said
Eat the streets up real quick it's all timing
Gucci everything with Sierra Leone diamonds
You can all know so much and know nothing
If I don't know nothing else, bet I know hustlin
This aint even rhyme, its a controlled substance
I'm strictly iron swinging with no tussling
And as long as there is money involved with it, I'm in
You dont have to second guess the best I'm him
I can rap circles around these new Urkels
Everything is digital while my hats are still purple
Me? I gotta a powerful mind, such a powerful mind
You would think I was on Obama hours sometimes
Monday, November 10, 2008
Some Other Shittttt
Porn Star
And I just wanna find a way to make you smile now
Why you blushin?
Forget about them other guys now
I know you ain't going try and tell me that you shy now
I realize that your beauty could intimidate
Them suckers you ain't got no business with them anyway
With such a pretty face, big booty, little waist line
I wanna grind from behind to the baseline
Have a great time, pour yourself a shot girl
Chase it with a lime, now you feeling like a hot girl
I know you probably use to dealing with them wannabes
But honestly I gotta say I'm who they wanna be
I promise all I wanna see is you up under me
And we can disappear whenever, when you wanna leave?
I can guarantee the ride of your life
Any fantasies on your mind we can try them tonight
We're sitting here
(I'm looking at you like damn)
We're sippin on Patron, something's on my mind
(You wanna leave wit me tonight?)
It's been killin me all night long and I wonder
(Listen baby let me tell you what I'm thinkin bout)
Oh girl, I wonder
(For real, baby let me tell you
what I'm thinking bout)
It's the end of the night
I thinkin your might, wanna leave the bar
Park the car, turn into porn star
Yes, I love to hear about your interests
I gotta say your intellect got me impressed
See your panties through your dress like a silhouette
Patron got me thinkin sex, is you feelin that?
No disrespect though, a simple yes/no
Hey let yourself let go, baby let's go
Pull up to the crib, get you through the threshold
Kiss you from your pretty lips to your red toes
Time tickin it's the end of the night
And you can leave wit your friend if you like
But I'm sayin though
We can ride out, back to my house
I wanna see you satisfied inside out
Once I'm in you ain't gonna want me to slide out
You tell your girlfriends they gonna wanna try it out
A little more of this will loosen you up
What we can't do in the club, we can do in the truck...
Goodness, Goodness, GOODNESS...
An exam Friday, I have to shadow a physical therapist some day this week and a Nutrition paper due Thursday. Thats all really...
I haven't drank in a few weeks and removed red meat from my diet for a few weeks and I already feel better. It was really a personal health choice more than anything and I feel I needed to make major changes in my lifestyle. More time in the gym, more focus on expressing my feelings on paper, more time making my money and less time stressing. Munchkin told me I needed to see a doctor because of my stress build-up, but I feel better now that my work slowed up for a little bit.
I talked to my mommy for TWO hours about everything and I realized that God couldn't have gave me a more perfect person in my life to help guide me through my struggles like her. I'm connecting with amazing people now, conversations are now making sense and its great to know that you have people in both sexes who really care about you and what you think. I'm just trying to make the most of this crazy college life and I'm going to. I'm pretty much on my "You buy a bottle, I buy the bar" status and it is crazy and I love it. Amazing people can do that to you. An amazing woman WILL do that to you every time.
"I love you son, you make me proud every time I hear your voice. Fuck what some sleezy broads or some unreliable niggas say to you. You are a dope, reliable, trustworthy, honest and dependable young man and you will soon reap the benefits. I promise."
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Rhoads 17-- (2.0: Sex On Speakers) Tracklist!!! NOVEMBER 25TH!!!
1. Ain't For Girls
2. Dr. Love featuring Donnie Klang
3. Find Me On My Deck
4. Full Capacity
5. Do Ya Dance
6. Incredible featuring Cory Gunz
7. Interlude- Future Teller
8. Just Chill
9. Talk To Her
10. Laidbackandsexy
11. Interlude- Cruz Chronicles
12. Everybody Nose Remix
13. Beat It
14. Missin' You
15. Drunk Text
16. Close To You
17. 6-4-6
18. Missin' You Part 2
19. So Fly with Slim and Yung Joc
20. Just A Little Bit
21. Outro- Park The Car
You are...
You really are. No one really cared like I really cared, but you say that I was being fake to you. That's fine I guess, actually it was more funny fine because you will see that your actions will lead you to having absolutely no friends. You are acting on actions that I didn't make and that is probably one of the immature things you can ever do. I put my heart out there for you and told you things that I haven't told anyone and you have done the same. It feels like I'm dealing with my 14 year old sister. I hope you turn to a better person after all this because I know I already am. I never lied to you and I have never thought of you less than one greatest friends a guy could ask for. But when people see through your irrational, attention whorish and fake ways you will end up being alone (trust me, I'm not the only person that thinks this). I will always have people by my side. You...ehhhhh...quite the opposite.
If they are really willing to drop you that fast over a retarded disagreement that wasn't you fault then they really didn't care about you anyway.
Marc Rainey
Friday, November 7, 2008
We're gonna make some insane babies
Just a little bit of that love you made me
Now I'm addicted, heartbreak save me
So, I can be done with this mess
Eyes keep drifting down your chest
I'm so stressed, Get undressed
By the fire, on the table is your request
You say that, I'm the best
I feel cocky, Kanye West
Is this love song just a test?
Do you really think I'll give you a rest?
Naw...I love you a little bit
Naw...I like you and that's it
So let's not fight, lets be legit
In the future, I so see it...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Life is so...

I'm trying not to stress small stuff, because in the end, life is only what you make it. Why stress when the world is passing you by? My family coming by on Saturday was awesome, my mommy made dinner for the next week and paid for parking for the month. I got some info about my Ski Trip in January before 4th semester of college starts. I got an awesome Barack Obama bumper sticker in the mail that I put on my laptop. Songs seem to be pouring out lately and my creative fold has been pretty amazing.
I stopped trying so hard to make everyone happy and started trying to make myself happy, which I feel I haven't done since high school. It started with bringing me back to my roots of myself, which contains Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirts, contemporary underground hip-hop music, tying loose ends with beautiful people :-), dance parties, fitted baseball caps, pushing boundaries in the gym, pondering whether God is a woman and reading 'Where the Wild Things Are' because it is one of my favorite books...EVER
Life is only what you make it...I guess I learned that the long way
So you just do you. I'm going to do me.
Come on, come on, come on baby
Who knows what would've happened if you stayed that, that night with me
Come on, come on, come on baby
I told you to come and get with me, promise I wouldn't leave you
Come on, come on, come on baby
You never thought that he would be the one, one, one, one to deceive you
Come on, come on, come on baby
Now it's awful cold in the house he bought you
and I've gotten over living without you
Springtime, summertime, fall time, winter
And all of our love we had just starting to remember
But you was off the game
and everything done changed
Because now I'm making love to Nikki
And I don't feel bad and no I ain't sad
Because I been making love to Nikki
He was the one that you ran to
the one you gave your hand to
so don't say you didn't plan to
So every time that you think of me
know I been making love to Nikki
Love to Nikki
She loves me back
Now everything that he told you when you were with me, you believed it
Come on, come on, come on baby
Considering the fact that it was you, you were the one that was cheating
Come on, come on, come on baby
He told you I was with the girl up in The Palms
We up in the studio, baby all on my arms
We all up at the park throwing back shots at Patron
My whole life was in a lane, what kind of shit were you on
But it's awful cold in the house he bought you
and I've gotten over living without you
So springtime, summertime, fall time, winter
I'm here to leave you with the last thing you remember
See you was off the game
but now everything is changed
cuz I've been making love to Nikki
And no I ain't mad, hell no I ain't sad
Baby I been making love to Nikki
He was the one that you ran to
the one you gave your hand to
so don't say you didn't plan to
And every time that you think of me
know I been making love to Nikki
Love to Nikki
And she loves me back
She loves me back
She she she she loves me back
She loves me, she she she she loves me back
She loves me
And now you calling me saying you didn't mean to do me wrong
You've gotten in my heart, so go ahead and lit in his arms
My loves out the window, that's everything though
He's so done ride out
Cuz I'm sitting in the six-four,
Girl as the wind blow, baby imma ride out
When you heart is broken,
Go ahead pick it, go ahead pick it up
Go ahead suck it up
You was off the game
now everything is changed
I've been making love to Nikki
Friday, October 31, 2008
Good Morning
Today is Halloween though and the awesome thing about VCU is that EVERYONE participates, even at 11 in the morning. I haven't really had time to put any costume together because I had some much shit to accomplish this week and I REALLY had to focus on paying my rent, but its awesome watching 5 kids I pass today pretend to be Quailman from Doug. Yeah. VCU is the shit, aint no doubt about it.
There is a huge dance party tonight but I don't think I am going because my family is coming up for the day the next morning and I want to make sure my roommates are no throwing or still drunk when they get here AND Cruz is wearing clothes if he is sleeping on our couch. I will probably just chill and read up for my Health Professions test that I still have not rescheduled yet. Maybe i'll have a drink or two with my roommates but not an extremely exciting Halloween for me.
Back to chilling in the Student Commons, I'm done with class for the week and I should really be crawling back into bed, but I'm watching the most hilarious motherfucker in the world Jon Bowden finish his math project with him not knowing the fact I sabotaged his facebook status (GO SEE IF YOU ARE HIS FRIEND). Usually around this time he is trying to flirt with this very attractive junior Spanish Biomedical Engineering Major that always sits a table away from us. Not today. He seems pretty focused today. Usually he would crack a joke with the girl about Sarah Palin (which the girl we sit next to, cant stand Sarah Palin), but hes doing his little line graph that we learned how to do in like 6th grade.
Anywayzzzzzz its a long chilly walk back to my house, so I should get a move on it. OH. Today is payday and I'm super excited about it. Some sneakers or a new ipod in my future? Maybe. I just hope Dad sent that check that he promised...
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Family

Since my family is coming this Saturday, I wanted to give my fellow bloggers some brief insight of the folks I lived with before I moved to VCU...
Mom-- she is a character, You would think from her swagger she is 24 rather than 38 haha. I owe this woman my life for giving up a scholarship to Howard University to raise me at 18. Very strong willed and free-spirited and will do anything for her kids. I can talk to her about pretty much everything.
Dad-- probably one of the most laid-back Army Veterans on earth. He went to the University of Maryland where he majored in Journalism, wrestled in the NCAA, and became a brother of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity. He used to be a stand-up comedian and he is probably one of the most hilarious people on earth and he does a great job of teaching his boys on how to become men and has fun doing it (i.e. Super Smash Brothers til 3:30 in the morning
Marc Jr.-- my little brother, he is 16 and second and command when it comes to the kids. He probably spends more time worrying about sports than his grades (went to 4-Square Club instead of Young Democrats and SCA during club period) but is a great student. He is very quiet around school, but probably one of the most talkative people in the house. I heard VCU, Hampton University and GWU (for Music Engineering) were his top three schools right now and ladies love him, because he seems 'mysterious'.
Chenelle-- little sisterrrrr, she has really evolved since she started high school. She was an All-District spinter for the track team as a freshman, very smart and studious, and has an extreme interest in dance. She is ALWAYS reading which is awesome, but she has a slight obsession with Chris Brown. Its pretty hard on her to grow up in a house full a boys but she seen as one of the homies
Donovan-- WOW...this kid is from another planet...he is smart (taking sophomore classes as a freshman) hes athletic (plays football and basketball and runs track) and probably one of the most hilarious kids....ever. He looks me and my mom but has the attitude of my dad. When he is upset he is UPSET...and everyone knows it. He is about 5'2 and talks to you like he is the King of the house. His slurs and catchphrases are worth spending the night with him instead of finding a party in Lynchburg. The worst part is I am Donovan's number one fan
Nicholas-- elementary school boy genius...seriously. He takes all accelerated classes, he knows computers and he taught me about famous explorers over fall break that I have never heard of. Nick is freaking 8! lol He is basically Mom's favorite child because he is the youngest, he is cute, and because he is so awesomely smart. I am Nicholas' favorite brother and I take some pride in that. There were some rumors that he cried when I left for college, but I couldn't confirm it with him. He LOVES his video games and hates reading, so he is basically the average eight year old, but not really
Bentley-- my puppy!!!! i love him! thats all lol
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I'm looking outside my window looking at Richmond and shaking my head. It's raining, the street lights are flickering down the street by Interstate 64, shady people lurking at 1.3o in the morning on Marshall Street, cop car speeds by, random biker in her skinny jeans pedaling like there is no tomorrow and you can hear the bass from a car a mile away. Yep, this is my school. I wouldn't change it for the world. I can see myself here for the rest of my life or maybe New York :-) (who knows). All I know is that Richmond is never boring and I wouldn't change it for anything.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Stressed To The Point of No End (S.S.T.T.P.N.E.)
I have a wonderful supporting cast around me and they make it easier to deal with the stress and I have no idea what I would do without them. I guess I just have to keep it moving. Oh. And we're pushing back the date of our second album because our roommate sleeps too much and now all his sleeping is interfering with his schoolwork (who fucking knew right?).
When I went back to Lynchburg a week and half ago, I had a conversation with my mom about being genuine. She said she loves me to death but she feels I'm not as a genuine as I should be and college corrupted me a little bit. I was completely shell shocked. I thought myself as an okay individual and college broadened my thinking and made me a more confident individual, but never a cocky, arrogant, non-genuine individual and hearing it from my mom made it 53450934 times worse. So over the past week I've been kind of reevaluating what I say to people and kind of keeping a low profile and talking to my true friends and genuine people.
We live and we learn I guess...nothing much I can do about it now. I guess stay humble and appreciative
andddd i figured out my next tattoo, Psalm 23 on my right peck followed by "Charles" the last name of me and my late grandfather Junius Charles Brown...i miss him
Studying needs to be accomplished tonight one way or another...
Straight up outta movie scene
Who knew she was a drama queen
That'll turn my life to Stephen King's
Checking everything like I'm on parole
Up late night, like she on patrol
I told her it's some things she don't need to know
She never let it go...
Just looking at your history
You're like the girl in misery
She said she ain't take it to this degree
Well let's agree to disagree
I know she kinda crazy but it turns me on
Keep it up enough to keep it going on
I told her it's some things she don't need to know
She never let it go...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Flip The Script
Wow...I think even as a black man that's a harder question to answer. Personally when it comes to ladies in general I don't discriminate by race. I am attracted to black, white, Asians, Mexicans, Dominicans or whatever. I'm attracted to.....intelligent conversation, free spirits, dancers, accents, diversity and music lovers. I'm attracted to girls in general.
White girls are built different. I don't know, they just are. Physically, emotionally and psychologically they are just built differently.
Lets start with the physical side. White women have absolutely incredible body shapes that guys are looking for. Not to say that other races don't, but I believe white women take better care of their bodies. I'm attracted to girls who dedicated to their school work AND the gym after class. White girls want their bodies to be perfect and it's amazingly sexy. Even those who never worked out a day in their lives but look amazing is also sexy.
Emotionally, white girls are very sincere people. Not to say all white girls are considerate and black girls aren't at all, but all the white girls that came across my life have been pretty sincere people. Sincere and free-spirited girls are SUPER SEXY. Not only because they have their own opinions, but sincere girls know how to take care of their men and we will be the same way. Girls want their guys to be super confident and I think guys want the same thing. I think if we were out in public holding hands with you, I want you to think you are the baddest thing out there and I'm the one thats super lucky to have you.
Also for black guys it doesn't take much for us to please white women in general. Being intimate, saying cute things, out in public or when it comes to surprising them, girls like it when guys d0 the little things. White girls LOVE when you do the the little things. White guys seem to be lost in translation when it comes to doing little things for their women.
Touching base with what my friend said, white girls are also brave when it comes to interracial dating. Because being with a black man means you are going to catch heat whether it is from society or her own family. Not only does it touch base with the bravery quality, but it touches the sincerity quality knowing your girl is going to be there for you no matter what. Through thick and thin. That is all a true man is looking for. And for the most part, white women can provide that.
Friday, October 17, 2008
BLACK Men...WHITE Women...
"I want black men. They want me. We look at one another and exchange a visible frisson of sexual energy in the lingering glances. And our attraction is based first on race. We are not those couples who 'happen to fall in love' with someone of a different race or more purposefully come together but out of some greater sense of interracial understanding and respect"
"White women turn to black men when their sex drives kick into higher gear and their social inhibitions recede into the rearview mirror. It's a 'yes, baby, now I'm ready for you' reaction."
"Black men have more energy, style and edge than white men. They know how to flirt, a nearly lost art among the rest of us. A black man is so damned sexy because he knows how to make a woman feel sexy."
"Black men have something white guys don't have anymore: confidence in their masculinity, their sexuality. They clearly know they're men. White men appear to be waiting for the latest sociological research study to let them know if they are men or not. Yet black men are gentlemen, something else white men no longer are. They make me feel like a woman, both respected and desired. I can let go of my inhibitions, my need to control, when I am with them. How many white men can treat a woman like a lady and ravish her too?..."
"They look better than white men, they touch and kiss and make love better than white men. Statistically, their penises are only a fraction of an inch bigger on average, but they seem bigger and harder."
"Black skin is thick and lush, sensuous to the touch, like satin and velvet made flesh. There's only one patch of skin on a white man's body that remotely compares to nearly every inch of a black man's skin. The first time I caressed black skin, it felt like a luxury I shouldn't be able to afford. I craved it more strongly than Carrie Bradshaw craved Manolo Blahnik shoes."
"Society today is tremendous. You never would have thought 50% of white women date outside their race, but the reason is that black men are so desired. Black girls hate us for it, but that is their problem. They are allowed to date outside their race too."
Cold as the winter wind when it breeze yo
Just remember that you talkin' to me though
You need to watch the way you talkin' to me though
I mean after all the things that we been through
I mean after all the things we got into
Ayo I know its some things that you ain't told me
Ayo I did some things but that's the old me
And now you wanna give me back and you gonna show me
So you walk round like you don't know me
You got a new friend
Well I got homies
But in the end it's still so lonely
How could you be so Dr. Evil
You bringing out a side of me that I don't know
I decided we weren't gonna speak so
Why we up 3 AM on the phone?
Why do she be so mad at me for?
Homie, I don't know she's hot and cold
I won't stop, won't mess my groove up
Cuz I already know how this thing go.
You run and tell your friends that ya leaving me
They say that they don't see what you see in me
You wait a couple of months, then you gon' see
You'll never find nobody better than me!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Late night chillingggg
I watched the Making The Band Season Finale...I am PISSED Aubrey and D. Woods got kicked out of the band. They are both amazingly talented and beautiful and I dont see Danity Kane without them two but AUNDREA FIMBRES is the sexiest woman everrrrr and I would impregnate her and have her children.......
M.I.A (the maker of 'Paper Planes') is pregnant with her first child with a male groupie...I'm honestly amazed because she is too talented of an artist for that shit too happen
Something that I also learned tonight... WHITE WOMEN LOVE BLACK MEN, I dunno what the fuck we did, but women love us... I'm not a cocky guy but WHITE women love black guys...AND I love you girls too...Who would have thought we would have got so far along in society that this would have happened?
I cant wait to go home this weekend. Lynchburg missed me and I missed you guys too. Let's do it big, yaaaaa know?
Monday, October 13, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
-I fucked up completely on my Stats exam last week and I have another one Monday
- Adam 'Pacman' Jones is a dumbass, and you just lost your job
-T.I. is coming to VCU November 22nd, I reallyyy want a backstage pass...
- I WISH NBA 2K9 for XBOX360 would consume my life, but I work all this damn weekend
- Going home next weekend is going to be like a vacation
- I really wish my dad would send the check he promised
- My roommate's laziness really REALLY annoys me, but I don't know why...
- I'm still blown Maryland lost to UVa in football last week and ecstatic that the Redskins are on a 4 game winning streak
-I would do anything for Japanese food right now
-Since I'm taking off for reading days AND Halloween, I really hope I have enough money for November rent...whatever
Its a cloudy day and I really don't want to go to CPR class...but I have to go to my philosophy class at 4
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Top Ten Reasons Why I Miss My Family In The Burg
9. Quaint arguements with my sister that always ends up being a full blown discussions
8. The smell of Heineken and Newports coming from the dining room (thanks Fatherrrrrr)
7. Talking to my baby brother about how Wii Tennis is the only exercise you need
6. Asking my 14 year old brother about the same girl he has been dating since middle school
5. Laying in bed with Mom when Dad goes to work and watch court shows til the View comes on
4. My brother's friends are some of the most hilarious S.O.B.s ever, makes being bored fun lol
3. Listening to Rhoads 17 with my brothers and memorizing every word
2. Listening to my Dad's words of wisdom and about his interesting past
1. Family Dinner is simply amazing. Even if its McDonalds.
Nature Of The Beast
Let me take a step back and explain my reasoning for this blog entry. Me and one of my roommates are pretty stressed about our school situations. Me, its strictly my course load and working 22 hours a week. My roommate is kind of questioning his goals and feels like his classes isnt worth his time. Anyone who knows my roommate would think he is too motivated and too smart to be questioning something like that. I told him on the way to the bank, I told him that I just finished my practical I studied all morning for and now im about to study for my Stats test on Monday.
"How the hell? I could never do something like that! I don't see how you have the motivation for something like grind crazy hard, like you really dont take breaks during the week. How do you do it?"
I replied, "Adderall, coffee and motivation. Mostly motivation though."
I mean, I really dont have a choice. A lot of kids have the money to waste to chill in college and second guess what they are doing there, I really cant do that. I have obligations to my family and myself. My roommate is kind of lost and I really am too, but I think that I just refuse to believe it. When I feel lost I hit the gym or read a book or continue to write this book I am working on or talk to my boy that lives right under me because he puts things into perspective. We both come from similar walks of life and the same area, so we just talk, smoke hookah and chill.
At the same time he feels his life is wasting away and pointless and I'm starting to feel it too, so what should I do?
Like I said before...I really dont have a choice and neither does my roommate...
Monday, October 6, 2008
My mommy said she would pay for it if I promised to room with my cousin and it would be my main Christmas present this I'll take the trip. I feel as if I need to leave the country for a little bit and catch up on legalized drinking and snowboarding. I told Mommy to lay down my money for it tomorrow. If you are in college and you want to go, hit my blog up and I will give you the details. Now back to studying....
Tale From Carriage Hosue Apartments
In my Stats class, my professor did NOT hand back the test from Friday and I was slightly disappointed. I got a text message from my mommy telling me to call her and that she bought me some shirts and im pretty excited about them. I learned about Distributions in Stats class
In Health Professions class I fell asleep for the second time. All the prof did was read straight from the printed notes and the only reason why I go is because she passes out an attendance sheet every class. I talked with Arsalan about the Redskins winning again. Slowest 50 minutes of the freaking day lol
Around Noon called Mama back and set up my XBOX360 only to find out that my Madden game is missing. Grrrr. Brad and Kwame went to Econ class and I'm sure if Nate is here or not, but i reallyyyyy dont want to read CPR but I have a practical. The person I want to talk to is reading the Odyssey and has to be at work later. I might go to the gym but for right now I am looking for a funny ringtone for my phone and listening to the construction outside my house. I'm really excited to go back to the Burg on the 15th or 16th. Update Complete
1. It's impossible to tell if someone is really awake without close medical supervision. People can take cat naps with their eyes open without even being aware of it.
2. Dreams, once thought to occur only during REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, also occur (but to a lesser extent) in non-REM sleep phases. It's possible there may not be a single moment of our sleep when we are actually dreamless.
3. REM dreams are characterised by bizarre plots, but non-REM dreams are repetitive and thought-like, with little imagery - obsessively returning to a suspicion you left your mobile phone somewhere, for example.
4. Humans sleep on average around three hours less than other primates like chimps, rhesus monkeys, squirrel monkeys and baboons, all of whom sleep for 10 hours.
5. Ducks at risk of attack by predators are able to balance the need for sleep and survival, keeping one half of the brain awake while the other slips into sleep mode.
6. The "natural alarm clock" which enables some people to wake up more or less when they want to is caused by a burst of the stress hormone adrenocorticotropin. Researchers say this reflects an unconscious anticipation of the stress of waking up.
7. Elephants sleep standing up during non-REM sleep, but lie down for REM sleep.
8. Tiny luminous rays from a digital alarm clock can be enough to disrupt the sleep cycle even if you do not fully wake. The light turns off a "neural switch" in the brain, causing levels of a key sleep chemical to decline within minutes.
9. The record for the longest period without sleep is 18 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes during a rocking chair marathon. The record holder reported hallucinations, paranoia, blurred vision, slurred speech and memory and concentration lapses.
10. Have you heard of Sexsomnia synrom? Well, it's a condition completely distinct from sleepwalking and is a form of sleep disorder called REM behavioral disorder. The condition can range in severity from disruptive moaning to unwanted, and sometimes violent, sexual advances to their partner.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
I cant believe...
Our lead off single 'Do Ya Dance' is one side of the album. The incredible thing about this album is that it is highly diverse. We have your college records (Drunk Text, Full Capacity), we have your chill tracks (Just Chill, Talk To Her), we have your original tracks (Find Me On My Deck, Laidbackandsexy), some remixes to some cool tracks (Dr. Love and Everybody Nose), and still our off the wall tracks (Beat It). Sooooo please cop this record, if you liked our first album you will love this one. Were changing the game by all means.
Rhoads 17
Sex On Speakers (S.O.S.)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Text Messaging
-40% of the world have a text messaging capable phone
- There is a 4.6 Billion dollar revenue for cell phone data plans
-Over 70% of mobile users send text messages
- U.S. subscribers sent close to 141 billion text messages through the first half of this year. That's about double the number sent in the first half of 2007.
Haha now that I have thought about it, I've had 5 cell phones since my senior year of high school which is quite ridiculous, but what can you do? I love texting, especially on new keeps me in the loop :-)
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Cookie Jar
And I never turn down some Oreos if you got those
Butter Pecan Puerto Rican,
Or them Oatmeal Raisin Asians.
Hazelnut Brazilians,
Macadamia Caucasians,
Double stuffed or thin mint
It don't matter you getting it
Cause I got a sweet tooth that'll never come loose
And the fact of the matter is...
I like girls,
They like me
They look so good
In their Seven jeans
Want you to be the one
And my only
I want to be faithful
But I can't keep my hands out the cookie jar
Travis (Gym Class Heroes) and The-Dream
My Top 5 Television Shows
4. House-- Dr. House is a sarcastic asshole and I love it
3. The Office-- some of the most hilarious under the table humor I have ever seen!!!
2. The Boondocks-- Each episode is pretty freaking jaw dropping, especially the Uncle Ruckus Reality Show Episode (Yeah...pretty much)
1. FAMILY GUY!!!!!- wow for six seasons i have seen every SINGLE episode, each episode reminds me of freshman year and how 20 people would sit in my and Karrolls dorm and watch it for hours...pretty much the most awesome show on television and its a damn cartoon
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
The Top 5 Biggest American Gangsters

Joseph Bonanno (1905 - 2002)
Born in 1905, Joe Bonanno grew up in his native Sicily and became an orphan at the age of 15. He left Italy due to the fascist power of the Mussolini regime and made a brief stopover in Cuba before moving to the United States when he was 19. Joe joined the Mafia as a way to prevent Mussolini from taking over Sicily. Nicknamed "Joey Bananas," he joined forces with Salvatore Maranzano. Before Luciano killed him, Maranzano created The Commission, the ruling body over Mafia families in the entire country.Bonanno stepped up and took over one of these families. He became powerful in New York with cheese factories, clothing businesses and funeral homes, which were a terrific way to dispose of bodies. But plans to eliminate all the rival families turned against him and Bonanno was kidnapped for 19 days until he agreed to retire. In 1965, he initiated the Banana War to settle scores, but he retired for good soon thereafter due to bad health. Never in his life was he convicted of a serious offense.

Meyer Lansky (1902 - 1983)
Born Maier Suchowljansky in Russia to Jewish parents in 1902, Lansky moved to New York when he was 9. He met Charles Luciano when they were just schoolboys. Luciano demanded protection money from Lansky, and when he refused to pay, the two boys fought. Impressed by Lansky's toughness, Luciano befriended the younger boy and the two remained lifelong friends. Lansky also met Bugsy Siegel when he was a teenager, and the three formed a powerful partnership. Lansky and Siegel formed the Bug and Meyer Mob, which became Murder, Inc.Lansky's primary order of business was money and gambling, and he had operations in Florida, Cuba and New Orleans. He was an investor in Siegel's Las Vegas casino, and he even bought an offshore bank in Switzerland that was used for money laundering. A financial genius, he codeveloped the National Crime Syndicate and the Commission. But business is never personal, and he approved the murder of his best friend Bugsy Siegel when Siegel was unable to produce profits for the Syndicate. Even with a gambling racket in operation across the planet, Lansky never spent a day in jail.
5. -----

A notorious drug dealer who is largely credited with introducing crack cocaine into the Washington, D.C. area. Columbians was alleged to have moved In an indictment involving two of Edmond's associates, it said that they bought between 1000 and 2,000 kilos over a 1 week period at a time. In 1992 from the Trujillo-Blanco brothers, who were associated with the Medellin cartel, and sold the drugs to Washington area wholesalers. He was known to have spent some $457,619 in an exclusive Georgetown store (Linea Pitti, specializing in Italian men's clothing) owned by Charles Wynn who was later convicted on 34 counts of money laundering.
Edmond was arrested in 1989 at the age of 24. His arrest and subsequent trial were widely covered by local and national media. Judicial officials, fearful of reprisals from members of Edmond's gang, imposed unprecedented security during the trial. Jurors' identities were kept secret before, during, and after trial, and their seating area was enclosed in bulletproof glass. Edmond was jailed at the maximum security facility at Marine Corps Base Quantico in Virginia and flown to the Federal Court House in Washington, D.C. by helicopter each day for his trial. Authorities took this unusual step due to heightened fears of an armed escape attempt. This gang was believed to have committed over 40 murders including the attempted murder of a local pastor, the Reverend Mr. Bynum, who was shot 12 times during an anti-drug march in his Orleans Place neighborhood.[citation needed]
Rayful continued to deal after being incarcerated in Lewisburg, PA federal prison. In 1996, Edmond and another drug dealer from Atlanta, named Lowe, were convicted after conducting drug business from a federal prison phone. Edmond received an additional 30-year sentence. Edmond's case is one of the most notorious abuses of such phone privileges and an embarrassment for the Bureau of Prisons. In an interview with the Bureau of Prisons, Edmond said he had spent several hours every day on the telephone, occasionally using two lines simultaneously to conduct his drug business.
Following this conviction, Edmond became a government informant in order to secure his mother's release from prison and a reduced sentence. Edmond is still incarcerated but is now part of the United States Federal Witness Protection Program and his place of incarceration is confidential.

Charlie "Lucky" Luciano (1897 - 1962)
Salvatore Lucania was born in Sicily in 1897, but his family moved to New York nine years later. At a young age, he became a member of the Five Points gang, in which Al Capone also received his education. Five years after establishing an empire based mostly on prostitution, Luciano controlled the racket all over Manhattan. After a failed but brutal attack on his life in 1929, Luciano started planning the National Crime Syndicate, an extension of Salvatore Maranzano's Commission, with Meyer Lansky.They eliminated the competition, and by 1935, Lucky Luciano was known as the Boss of Bosses -- not just of New York City, but of the whole country. He was arrested and sentenced to 30 to 50 years in 1936, but was let out on parole in 1946 on the condition that he be deported to Italy. He had so much power that U.S. Navy intelligence sought his help when the Allies were set to invade Italy during World War II. He died of a heart attack in 1962.

Christopher George Latore Wallace (1972 –1997)
Popularly known as Biggie Smalls (after a gangster in the 1975 film Let's Do It Again), Big Poppa, Frank White (from the film King of New York), and his primary stage name, The Notorious B.I.G., was a Jamaican American rapper.
Born in Brooklyn, New York, Biggie grew up during the peak years of the 1980s' crack epidemic and started dealing drugs at an early age. When Biggie debuted with the 1994 record Ready to Die, he was a central figure in the East Coast and increased New York's viability at a time when hip hop was mostly dominated by West Coast artists. The following year, Biggie led his childhood friends to chart success through his protégé group, Junior M.A.F.I.A.
While recording his second album, Biggie was heavily involved in the East Coast-West Coast hip hop feud dominating the scene at the time. On March 9, 1997, he was killed by an unknown assailant in a drive-by shooting in Los Angeles. His double-disc set Life After Death, released fifteen days later, hit #1 on the U.S. album charts and was certified Diamond in 2000. Biggie was noted for his "loose, easy flow", dark semi-autobiographical lyrics and storytelling abilities. Since his death, a further two albums have been released. MTV ranked him at #3 on their list of The Greatest MCs of All Time. His success and influence on hip hop and rap music has made him a cultural icon.
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John Gotti (1940 - 2002)
In the wake of the great gangsters who ruled New York, John Gotti had his work cut out for him. Born in Brooklyn in 1940, he was always quick with his fists and it was his life's dream to become a wiseguy. By the age of 16, he had joined a local street gang known as the Fulton-Rockaway Boys. He quickly became their leader, stealing cars and fencing stolen goods. In the '60s, he began associating with Mafia hoods and hijacking trucks. In the early '70s, he became a capo for the Bergin crew, a part of the Gambino family. Extremely ambitious, Gotti started to deal drugs, which was forbidden by family rules.As a result, Paul Castellano, the Boss, wished to expel Gotti from the organization. In 1985, Gotti and his guys killed Castellano outside a steakhouse and Gotti took over the Gambino family. No matter how many times the authorities tried to indict him for being the most powerful criminal in New York, the charges were always dropped. Because of this -- and the fact that he dressed well and loved media attention -- he was nicknamed "The Dapper Don" and "The Teflon Don." He was finally convicted for murder in 1992 and died of cancer in prison in 2002.
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Al Capone (1899 - 1947)
If there ever was a gangster who earned the No. 1 spot, it is Al Capone. Alphonse Capone was born in 1899 to Italian immigrants in Brooklyn, New York, where he got his start in street gangs. He then joined the Five Points gang and became a bouncer. It was during these days that a series of facial wounds earned him the "Scarface" nickname. Capone moved to Chicago in 1919 and quickly moved up the Mafia hierarchy while working for Johnny Torrio (Capone became Torrio's protege).It was the time of the Prohibition, and Capone ran prostitution, gambling and bootlegging rings. In 1925, at the age of 26, Capone took over after Torrio was wounded in a gang war. Known for his intelligence, flamboyance and love of public attention, Capone was also known to be very violent; his role in the orchestration of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929, in which key rival gangsters were murdered, proves this. In 1931, Federal Treasury agent Eliot Ness arrested him for tax evasion.