My car failed inspection damn itttttt!
I wasnt expecting that today but shit happens, now I have to take my car home and fix everything that is wrong with it. Well. At least ill have the benefit of the doubt knowing that my car won't explode when its finally fixed. Mom has been a little bit more leniant with money since she is working now and the first of the month quickly approached again. Soooo depressing. Being broke because you just paid all your bills is probably one of the most depressing feelings in the world. But hey what can you do...hopefully my paycheck next week wont be complete shit but things happen.
In other news my brother is coming down next week for the N.E.R.D. concert and im pretty hyped about it. Last time he stayed with me, it was a complete miracle I was able to sign him at the dorms, but its going to be good to spend some quality time with the kid. I cant believe he is going to be a senior in high school next year. Time is just flying by.
On a more serious note, I have been a little depressed as of lately after my parents announced that they were separating. My brothers are staying with my mom and my sister Chenelle is moving out with my dad. It completely sucks for all the kids but if I gets my parents to stop fighting for in front of my baby brother Nicholas, I'm down for whatever works. It just sucks that I really can't rely on my dad as much as I do now, but maybe it is a fresh beginning for everyone.
Now I really need a drink...
Oh on a lighter note now...I went with Rachy Rach to look at new tattoos and she ended up gettting three stars behind ear today. It was pretty cute, I'm not going to lie. She going to end up being a tatted up Richmond girl soon. Next week I'm getting "Psalm 23" tattoooed on my right pec after I pay rent. I'm pretty excited about it. While I was waiting for Nelson (our tattoo artist) I spotted an issue of the super SUPER incredible Megan Fox. You don't even have the slightest idea. Girl is H.O.T.

Anddddd this is who I caught Cruz and Nate looking at together the other night

Oh i love my roommates...
1 comment:
i can't wait to go back with you to get ur tat, who knows i might need another one by then :)
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