The homie Bradley, changing the world one laugh at a time. You would never believe this cat was an Accounting major at VCU. He is my DC peoples and I know I can always count on him, even though he knows I wanna kill him HAHA Love You Bradley (no homo)

My brother Marc, myself and the second roommate Kwame. Me and Kwam have been boys since the 6th grade and we always talked about going to college together and we finally made it!!! He studies Business Finance and I study Exercise Science/Pre-Medicine and we will always be boys.

Lastly Nathan Keeys. The Musical and Artistic genius. This cat has a gift. Musically he kills with his lyrics and he is a photoshop genius. I see him doing big things with Design since he is at VCU for Kinetic Imaging and hes doing a crazy job with the Rhoads 17 Project. Incredible Potential.
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