Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Myspace Survey
- Age: 19
- Annoyance: Clingy people
- Animal: Bear
- Actor: Will Smith or Mark Wahlberg
- Birthday/Birthplace: August 1st/ P.G. County, Maryland
- Best Friends: Rachel, Kwame and Brad
- Best Body Part on opposite sex: ummm butt lol
- Best feeling in the world: making someone happy
- Blind or Deaf: i would rather be deaf
- Best weather: football weather
- Been in Love: Yessir
- Been on stage? Like in elementary school
- Believe in yourself?: sure
- Believe in life on other planets: sure
- Believe in miracles: SURE
- Believe in Magic: maybe
- Believe in Santa: always
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: yes
- Car: Rolls Royce Phantom
- Candy: Red Hots
- Color: red
- Cried in school: haha I ran high school
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
- Chinese/Mexican: Mexican lately
- Cake or pie: pie
- Country to visit: Italy
- Day or Night: Night
- Dream vehicle: Maybach 62S
- Danced: Yessir
- Dance in the rain?: who hasnt?
- Do the splits?: hahaha not me!
- Eggs: i hate eggs with the burning intensity of a thousand suns
- Eyes: brown
- Everyone has a Heart: haha i thought so
- Ever failed a class?: excuse me? failure is not in my vocabulary
- First crush: Jada Pinkett Smith!
- Full name: Ryan Jeremy Charles Brown
- First thoughts waking up: Drink up! Its New Years!
- Food: Japaneseee
- Greatest Fear: of failure
- Giver or taker: GIVER
- Goals: 7 A's for spring semester!
- Get along with your parents?: sometimes
- Good luck charm: uhhh i dont have one
- Holiday: Christmas
- How do you want to die: happy and quick
- Health freak? yeah
- Hate: stuck up bitches
- Hair Color: black and smooth
- Height: 6'2 and a fourth
- Ice Cream: Edy's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
- Instrument: Saxophone
- Jewelry: a black and white band that I have been wearing together since 9th grade
- Job: Student and Salisbury Country Club
- Kids: i want fourrr
- Kickboxing or karate: kickboxing
- Keep a journal?: yeah this blog pretty much
- Longest Car Ride: Lynchburg, VA to Cincinnati, OH
- Love: God's greatest gift
- Letter: R or J
- Laughed so hard you cried: once or twice
- Love at first sight: nahhh
- Milk flavor: Normal?
- Movie: The Dark Knight orMenace II Society
- Mooned anyone?: oh high school!
- Marriage: hopefully
- Motion sickness?: nahhh
- McD’s or BK: McD
- Number of Siblings: 8
- Number of Piercings: none
- Number: 11 or 28
- Overused Phrases: there are so many of them
- One wish: make millions
- One phobia: FEAR OF FAILURE
- Place you’d like to live: Italy or London or Vegas
- Perfect Pizza: Meat Lovers
- Pepsi/Coke: Pepsi
- Quail: cooooool?
- Questionnaires: lovely way to procrastinate and get feelings out
- Reason to cry: there isnt one really...MAN THE FUCK UP lol
- Reality T.V.: love love family needs its own reality tv show really
- Radio Station: WPGC 95.5 and 106.5
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: yeah
- Song: "Outerspace" Yung Berg
- Shoe size: 12
- Salad Dressing: Italian
- Sushi: nah
- Skipped school: a few times
- Slept outside: why not?
- Seen a dead body?: yes
- Smoked?: weed...but i hate smoking period and never smoked a cigarette
- Skinny dipped?: nah
- Shower daily?: Yes
- Sing well?: no but i try
- Sing in the shower?: no
- Swear?: more than I should (thanks college)
- Stuffed Animals?: nah
- Single/Group dates: single
- Strawberries/Blueberries: strawberries
- Scientists need to invent: a cure for AIDS
- Time for bed: usually too late
- Thunderstorms: loves in the summer not in the winter
- TV: my nightlight
- Touch your tongue to your nose: no
- Unpredictable: to an extent
- Vegetable you hate: eggplant
- Vegetable you love: broccoli
- Vacation spot: Las Vegas
- Weakness: easily stressed/overwhelmed
- When you grow up: Doctor
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: uhhh Brad probably
- Who makes you laugh the most: Bradley
- Worst feeling: being a disappointment
- Wanted to be a model?: haha yeah
- Where do we go when we die: heaven
-X-Rays: wow your reaching
-Year it is now: 2008 tomorrow 2009
- Zoo animal: BEAR
- Zodiac sign: LEO
1. Last person to see you cry? I don't cry
2. Went to the movies with you? my family
3. You went to the mall with? brothers
4. You talked to on the phone? Bradley
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
10 Things I Need To Say To 10 people...
--> I really hope you realize how your actions affect other people, because if you dont you are in for a rude awakening
--> I'm going to help you get through this semester, but you gotta stop bullshittin. There is a time and a place for that.
--> You are amazing spoken word poet and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
--> I know I promised you some liquor so when yo least expect it, it will be right under your nose
--> You will get them guts when she is good and ready kid
--> The more I talk to you, the more I think you really need to stop playing the games you play or else someone will put you in your place
--> Life must be so fucking difficult when you get whatever you want, when you want and you still fucking complain over the smallest of shit
--> You still need to come over and cook me and my roommates dinner yellow bear!
--> We will forever be homies. I thrive after our 3am talks...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Weekendddd is Here...
Also since all my roommates (and pretty much all of Carriage House) is gone for Christmas. This has allowed me to crank my music and learn a new dance because I wasnt at work and I didnt really have anything else to do. And it has to be the funniest dances ever but they worth learning in case me and Kwam have to bust then out at a party. The first one is Soulja Boy teaching the Birdwalk and the 2nd one is a bunch of kids killin the Wu Tang dance... I LOVE it...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
What I Live My Life By...
Psalm 23
A psalm of David.
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, [a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD
Why I Love...

Besides the fact she is dead gorgeous...she is much smarter and talented than people actually give her credit for. YES, she is a major socialite. YES, she has a sex tape with Brandy's brother Ray J. YES, she is O.J. Simpson's goddaughter. YES, she is very good friends with Paris Hilton. I think though she brings a lot to the table as a celebrity. In high school she was an executive at the music marketing firm 'Movie Tunes'. She is noted for having an incredible business mind and an eye for marketing techniques. She also donated a quarter of what she made on her sex tape settlement with Vivid Entertainment to research cancer, since her father Robert Kardashian Sr. died of cancer in 2003.
As a business woman she developed a clothing line with her sisters Khloe and Kourtney, developed a perfume line slated for a 2009 release and has a work-out video coming out with her now boyfriend NFL star Reggie Bush. Personally I don't understand why people feel they need to bash her for 'fake' looks and thinks she is retarded. She seems pretty dedicated and focused and a solid individual. It doesn't hurt that shes gorgeous (in my eyes at least). And it is not her fault that people want to pay her to go out and party. She is just that sought after of an individual and I could understand why. AND it doesn't hurt she has ass for days and has a crazy chest...but thats just me...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
The Top 5 Things You Never Wanna Hear Girls Say!
No. 1 - "I'm late."
No, we don't mean for work. For every guy who has ever heard this, it's come out sounding more like “Your life is over.” No amount of commitment is going to make this statement any easier to take. We won't even get into the impact this would have coming from a one-night stand… The impact these two little words can have on any man is just too great to put into actual words, but we'll try: nine months of hell, sleepless nights, crying, breast milk, hormones -- OK, we can't go on.
No. 2 - "Are you done?"
Now you are. No matter how close you were to your peak, this question can instantly send you back to your starting point with a nauseous feeling of defeat. While a few courageous souls might reply, “No, but we are if you ask that again,” the majority of you will likely be too shell-shocked upon the realization that your Olympic-grade performance didn’t impress your No. 1 judge.
No. 3 - "Aw, it's so cute!"
While you were once confident that you were the length of a baseball bat, had the girth of a redwood, with the dexterity of a Samurai sword, being called "cute" can clearly undermine your entire masculine reverie. And if you’ve had a bad history of women describing you as cute, hearing it one more time is just not something you want to hear her say. Of course, if your girlfriend asks, “Are my boobs too small?” shortly after, feel free to reply, “I'm sorry, your what?”No. 4 - "Don't worry, he's just my ex."
But, of course, that’s precisely the reason you do worry. He used to be with your wife/girlfriend; they shared secrets, laughed together and had inside jokes -- not to mention the fact that they once got naked together. So if he is an ex -- meaning former, past or previous -- why is he still around in the present, and why now? This is the equivalent of your girlfriend saying, "I’m just gonna swim outside the shark cage, they don’t attack humans." Maybe statistically they don't, but intuitively it still doesn’t sit right -- there's always a slim possibility…
No.5 - "We need to talk."
Cue the dramatic music, please. This heavy phrase you never want to hear her say is the classic tip-off that something bad is about to happen. And in the few seconds before she tells you what that bad thing is, your stomach flips around like a fish in a frying pan as you think about the range of possibilities. Is it over? Does she want time away? Did you forget the milk, again? Regardless, one thing is clear: you are about to be told you are deficient in some way, and it ain't gonna be pretty.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
This Aint For Girls
With the bottom so fat, It's all you talk about
You fly like Slim but I'm going to take you way behind
Fly a kite, plane ride...until there is no sky
Or if you want me to take you down, that can be arranged
I'm in sing and search of that N.E.R.D., I can blame pain
Or we can play can rule my world
W.B. Warn a Brotha if you trying to be my girl
I'm no pimp girl, I can't get you diamond rings
I'm just a skater from Maryland reppin Camp Springs
And I don't think I'm a punk...
So don't think you can have whatever you want
And if you think this song is just for you...
Its just about what I wanna do...
And what I wanna do...
is YOU
-- Nate Keeys
Monday, December 8, 2008
Crazy Sex Laws and Facts
- It is against the law in Maryland to sell condoms via a vending machine, unless that is there happens to be alcoholic beverages being sold as well. This also includes the sale of condoms in vending machines in public bathrooms. Word on the street is there are a lot of college dorm students who are not happy with this law. Ironically enough this law is called the Brothel Law.
- Taxi drivers in Buckfield, Maine have sex laws directed at them specifically. If a fare has been partying at an establishment that sells alcoholic drinks and offers to pay with sexual favors, he or she can not be charged for said ride. The legislation deems no taxi driver "will be allowed" to charge for the pleasure of his passenger's company.
- It is illegal to purchase a box of condoms at a corner store in any part of Nebraska. Only licensed physicians and pharmacists are allowed to sell them. Once a physician is not longer practicing he may no longer sell condoms. So much for keeping the teenagers from getting pregnant, they don't allow teens access to condoms without a physician's signature either.
- Average # of erections per day for a man: 11
- More than 11,000 people are injured every year trying out new sexual positions
- A man's ejaculation travels at a speed of 27mph!
- The largest known penis to mankind was measured at 13.5 inches erect
- The oldest virgin is rumored to be Sir Isaac Newton who died a virgin at the age of 85
- About 1 percent of women are allergic to semen. Within minutes to hours of a man's ejaculation, they develop swelling and itching wherever their skin made contact with the stuff. Luckily, having their guy wear a condom prevents the allergy from flaring up.
- A recent study found that 1 out of 100 people are asexual they've never been sexually attracted to anyone.
- On the other hand, 2 percent of women are turned on all the time. They suffer from persistent sexual arousal syndrome, which causes them to orgasm 10 to hundreds of times a day.
AGENDA (For the next couple of days)
- Stats Final
- Drink til I fall out...
- Kickin Ass
-PACK FOR THE REDSKINS AND EAGLES GAME!!! (thank you Rachel that was the GREATEST gift of all timeeee)
- Sell my books back and buy Christmas gifts
- Buy either A Chicago White Sox, Boston Red Sox or Toronto Blue Jays fitted
- Make copies of Rhoads 17 2.0 for release
- Not worry about school til January 12th 2009
- Party January 20th 2009 (OBAMA!!!!!)
-Plan a Carriage House 30 throwdown...
- Live the good life again!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
This is why I love my brother...seriously...
Shawty from Cuba still working on her Visa
A girlfriend Lisa hotter than Puerto Rica
She dont suck dick but she expect me to eat her
God this ho's crazy you dont really wanna meet her
But her home girl Nina swallow cum by the liter
She looks good in boy shorts and a beater
But this other girl Quita is way sexier than Nina
Baby I aint lying shes hotter than a heater
But I'm cold as a freezer, so yeah I'm a leave her
Smoke a Cohiba while she beg me to go deeper
Bitch named Diedra who touch toes for my people
And if you aint fuckin them, you aint fuckin me either
Yeah your best's friends right, im flier than an eagle
And your other best friend wanna kick it like FIFA
Tech girl Rita soft and she aint sweet either
Spoiled as a mother so I know I cant keep her
VCU Tia smokes a whole lot of reefer
Likes to make porn and she's the main feature
UVA Leah aint trying to lemme peep her
Make love on 64 next time that I see her
Its that easy...
Schedule Take 2 (Spring Semester '09)
- Political Science 109: Comparative Politics
- Psychology 321: Social Psychology
- Psychology 323: Interpersonal Relations Psychology
- Psychology 407: Psychology of the Abnormal
- Social Science 303: Marriage and Family Relationships
-MCV Hospital (Senior) Clinical
+ Work....
NO SOCIAL LIFE...fuck me
Finals Fast Approaching
Yep it is about that time...
The libraries are packed, Red Bulls are sold-out everywhere, staying up til 5 or 6 in the morning reading and RE-taking notes, writing papers and early morning 7-11 trips are more equivalent. Finals are here and you can feel everyone at VCU freaking out. I just try to stay low key and get my work done at the comfort at my own house because the library is full of loud ass idiots. Okay...not idiots, but extremely obnoxious people.
Even though the library is supposed to be a chill study environment for students, it is usually mass hysterical until the early morning. I blame the people who thought it was a brilliant idea to allow regular talking in the biggest public library at a Virginia university on the first two floors. But what can you do? I have an on-campus apartment with relatively respectful roommates, so it usually quiet. Sometimes the internet connection is terrible, but I can't complain for the most part. It's much better than studying in the dorms like last year. Studying on the 17th floor last year during finals, you are practically BEGGING for an F.
So I want to light some candles, fire up a blunt, put on some Sade and let the studying begin. The next two weeks are going to be hell, but I might as well relax and take everything one step at a time. It's college...what can you do about it?