My little brother is 13 and he is an honor student at Forest Middle School
He lettered in football, basketball, and track
He has dreams of being heart surgeon
The other day he got suspended from school
My little brother was having a beef with a kid in his class. The kid was calling my brother a "nigger" and threatening him on a daily basis on the internet and at school. My brother told no one and said nothing, he wanted to handle it on his own.
The other day my brother was walking to his first class of the day and the same kid called him a "nigger" again and punched him in the head. The kid forgot he was fucking with a Brown and my brother punched him in the nose and slammed him into a locker. After that, it took like5 kids to hold him back. My brother was suspended for one day and the racist child was suspended for TWO. He even told the principal with a broken nose, the reason he started the fight was because he hated bigged lipped niggers.
That day i picked up him for school at 9.30, after he told me what happened, I realized how much I hate Lynchburg, Va. Even though it is probably the most respectable place to raise a family, it is the most volatile place to raise a black family. I lived here for a while and I would rather live in Southeast Washington D.C. honestly. I hate everything this city stands for and if you don't know who Jerry Falwell is, please look him up. Thats why this city is as racist as it is.
People here downplay the word and downplay prejudice actions and it is one of my biggest frustrations. Not only because I respect plenty of white people but I feel those same white people may not respect me. I respect my family and they have gone through too much to deserve anything like my brother went through. At my high school, I was kind of like a celebrity because I did everything, so I never went through anything like that. But it always happened to my brothers and sisters and the few other black people in the neighborhood.
Ask anyone what racism means and if it still exists
Because even though we dont go through everyday
In a way we still have to...